A general projectile motion problem involves seven pieces of information x. Projectile motion the purpose of this lab is to study the properties of projectile motion. The toolkit identifies and describes a wide collection of activities, simulations, readings, videos, and animations that present the conceptual and mathematical nature of a projectile. Check to see if your answers are consistent with the. Introduction to projectile motion any object flying through the vacuum you can breathe in both the x and y directions is in projectile motion. Analyze the horizontal motion using constant velocity techniques. The main concepts are explained, in particular the independent treatment of the horizontal and the vertical motion. The key to analyzing twodimensional projectile motion is to break it into two motions, one along the horizontal axis and the other along the vertical. It is reasonable as long as the range is small compared to the radius of the earth. For a given initial velocity, the projectile range will be measured for various initial angles, and also calculated by applying the theory for motion with constant acceleration.
Horizontally launched projectile problems the physics classroom. Projectile motion projectile motion is a special case of twodimensional motion. Combining the two allows one to make predictions concerning the motion of a projectile. An object that is projected or thrown, which has no. Read pdf projectile motion lab report answers and calculations projectile motion lab report. The projectile motion toolkit provides teachers with standardsbased resources for designing lesson plans and units that pertain to the motion of projectiles. It provides an introduction into the three types of graphs trajectories that. It explains how to calculate the kinematics part 3. The freefall acceleration is constant over the range of motion. For example, you throw the ball straight upward, or you kick a ball and give it a speed at an angle to the. Some examples of projectile motion are the motion of a ball after being. Projectile motion things dont always move in one dimension, they can also move in two dimensions.
Now, we will try to explain motion in two dimensions that is exactly called projectile motion. Note that the initial velocity of the projectile is the same as that of the. How to solve projectile motion problems in physics this physics video tutorial provides projectile motion practice problems and plenty of examples. With these assumptions, an object in projectile motion will follow a parabolic path. Analyze the vertical motion using constant acceleration techniques. This shows that neglecting drag in this case is an extremely good assumption.